I am rating this app for a class I’m taking and according to a specific rubric.
# Icon
The icon for this app is iconic in the sense that it is memorable and stands out above the clutter. The name indicates what the app is about.
# Description
The description on the app store is well thought out with ideas about how to use the app and also testimonials. The description helps the sales effort.
# User Friendly
The app is extremely user friendly because it is extremely simple and contains well-thought out workflows and nice aesthetics.
# Target Audience
The target audience is people with smartphones who are committing to doing something daily for a number of days in a row. There’s not really a set demographic.
# Innovative Characteristics of the App
I think the app is innovative insofar as it is super simple in a good way. It has no clutter. The visualization of the days in a row of completing your task is also nice.
# Ease of Use and Navigation
As mentioned above, very easy to use. The navigation follows iOS app conventions.
# Financial Aspects
The app cost $2.99. There are no ads.
# Professionally Sound
The app looks great, however there were a couple bugs tracking days that need to be ironed out, particularly when surpassing 30 days of doing something.
# Main Focus of App
The problem the app solves is tracking a daily task to make sure one completes it every day.
# Target Audience of App
As mentioned above, the audience is motivation-, rather than demographic-, based. It is for people who want to track their commitment to a daily task.
# What Stands Out About the Design of the App
The design of the user flow stands out most, because it is elegant and follows iOS design patterns that make users of iPhone apps intuitively know how to do things.
# What Stands Out About the Content of the App
The content of the app has to do with tracking progress related to tasks. What stands out about the content is that it is user-defined, so the user has a lot to do with the content.
# How Easy is the App to Navigate and Use
As mentioned above, extremely elegant to use and navigate. Well thought out user flows and nice layouts.
# Is the app Cost Reasonable?
The cost for the app is reasonable. It would be nice if the small bug was fixed.
# How Popular is the app?
The app had 17 ratings as of this review, so it is a niche app.